Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New treadmills

Run: 3 miles
Time: No idea
Mood: Murderous

Killed three miles last night. Legitimately crushed them. They have a bunch of new treadmills at my gym, that show you your distance on a 400 meter track - which was actually insanely motivational. I was going to do another mile after the first three, but there were people waiting for the machines. There was a staff person coming around looking at people's time (you're supposed to stop at 25 minutes when ppl are waiting). So I punched out the last half at like an 8:15 pace, trying to be extra considerate.

The new treadmills don't have t.v. or music on them yet, so I was forced to people watch. My favorite person was an older guy wearing a polo shirt tucked into basketball shorts with black socks half way up his calves wearing some old-school Adidas. :) He was a jolly sort.

Also set my incline at one percent for the first mile.

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