Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall Schmall

Run: 2.5 miles
Time: 29:28
Mood: Gasping

Mother Nature certainly has an odd sense of humor.

It was the first day of fall, temperature hit the mid-90s and it was insanely humid. There was nothing "fall" about it.

Went for a run with my coworker after work, right after it had rained (which did not, in fact, cool things off like we'd hoped...just made it really steamy and added MORE humidity).

We were trying to do a 4-miler (it's technically a 3.5 mile week), and we ended up stopping at the 2.5 mile marker absolutely drenched and walking the final mile and a half.

Epic fail.

It's ok, this just makes me angry enough to actually do four miles this weekend.

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