Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bandit's Last Run

Run: 3.01 miles
Time: 34:04
Mood: Tired

Welp, yesterday was the last day with the puppy. After a rain-out in the morning, Bandit and I went for a run after work. The poor guy struggled with three miles, getting tired after two. But he stuck it out, and slept the whole car ride back to my parent's house.

Three miles around the neighborhood, with Bandit weaving back and forth. Felt a little slow. But I looked it up on, and that run burnt like 500 calories. Wowsa.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Puppy Run

Run: 2 miles
Time: 22:33
Mood: Elated

I've been pet sitting my parent's boxer, Bandit, for the past few days. He's a sweetie, but when I leave him in the house alone, he barks...which drives my roommates nuts.

Needless to say, I've put my runs on hold because I didn't want to leave him alone. I didn't think he'd be able to run with me, because he has a schmushed snout - I didn't think he'd be able to breathe through it.

Bandit resting after his first run.

Well today, I wanted to go for a run with one of my roommates, but couldn't leave the dog alone. So I took him with us on a two miler. And he did GREAT! Like he was born to run on a leash, I was so proud of him!

We are gonna do three miles in the morning before I go to work.

Puppy is a running fool.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall Schmall

Run: 2.5 miles
Time: 29:28
Mood: Gasping

Mother Nature certainly has an odd sense of humor.

It was the first day of fall, temperature hit the mid-90s and it was insanely humid. There was nothing "fall" about it.

Went for a run with my coworker after work, right after it had rained (which did not, in fact, cool things off like we'd hoped...just made it really steamy and added MORE humidity).

We were trying to do a 4-miler (it's technically a 3.5 mile week), and we ended up stopping at the 2.5 mile marker absolutely drenched and walking the final mile and a half.

Epic fail.

It's ok, this just makes me angry enough to actually do four miles this weekend.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Run: 2.2 miles
Time: ~22
Mood: Eh
Did a 2 mile maintenence run yesterday, felt good. Short and sweet, just like today's post. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Run: 2 miles
Time: 19:25
Mood: Bad ass

I had about an hour and fifteen minutes between classes today, and I was feeling jazzed up (the class liked my sketches) so I thought it would be wise to go for a quick run. And then something amazing happened.

It was probably the best run I've had so far in my training.

My first split was 9:46, and the two miles capped out at 19:25. I actually passed someone while I was running (yes, you read that correctly). I've been taking steroids this week for a medical thing, so I'm really not sure if that has anything to do with it. But I felt like a bad ass.

Also on a side note: getting home, running, showering and making it back to campus in a little over an hour say the least.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back again!

Run: 2 miles
Time: 21:06 (10:24/10:42)
General Mood: Feelin' good

I took a four day hiatus from running after a 3.5 mile run last Friday (which was amazing).

Today I wanted to punch it out a bit and cut down on my 11 minute mile pace, my goal was to run the mile back as fast or faster than the mile out. I didn't quite make it, but am happy that it was comparable. Overall, good run - fueled by Almond M&Ms (which was my lunch). Yum!

Speaking of which, I'm now starving.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Run: 2.01 miles
Time: 22:22
General Mood: Groggy
You’ve most likely notice that I haven’t posted in a few days (or maybe not), and that’s because I just plain didn’t want to talk about my workouts over the weekend. (Cross-training on Saturday consisted of dancing at a wedding…enough said)
I’m back to the grind this week, with a new training twist: I’m going to try to run four times a week instead of three. Let that sink in.

I ran on Monday and again this morning, two solid miles each time. The weather is getting cooler and Monday I was able to run in the middle of the day – it was fantastic.

Now that the debilitating heat is subsiding, I have another issue that’s developing: lack of daylight hours.

I woke up at today at 6:30 a.m. for a morning run to discover the sun hadn’t yet come up…which means that in another month or so, it’s going to be dark in the morning when I get up to run and in the evening when I come home to run. This is a problem.

I don’t have a gym membership, because I’m trying to train my body to run outside and without music – since that’s how I’ll be racing (although if anyone knows of any treadmill races, do tell). But it’s looking more and more like I’m going to need to get a membership for the winter.
