Friday, August 9, 2013

Spin + Tacos + Bed

Happy Friday!

My spin instructor, Alyssa, read my blog posts and then friended me on Facebook to tell me how much she liked them! It's not a big deal (it's a big deal) and I'm not getting too excited (I'm so excited). It's not like I'm famous or anything (yes I am) and I'll try to stay humble (I'm awesome).

Black Bean Tacos. I used this recipe. I've made them
twice in two weeks. They're that good. Yum.
Today was the first day back in the saddle in a week. As most of you know, Gunner and I headed down to South Carolina to visit daddy over the weekend, and I came back Monday feeling sick. I took Tuesday off to recover and was sluggish on Wednesday. Yesterday I was...just being lazy. It happens. The key is to forgive yourself. ;)

Side note: last night I made these black bean tacos you see pictured to the right. It's black beans, spices and onion. Then you essentially make your own taco shells in a cast iron skillet. It's amazing.

SO! Spin this morning was hard, as to be expected. Mandy and I kept looking at each other like, "what is happening?!"

We did a lot of hovers today. A hover is when you push back on your bike and hover your rear directly over the seat without touching while lowering your upper body so you're almost face-planting on the handlebars. You keep peddling at a higher tension. It's like a squat on the bike. They're my favorite!

Here's a fuzzy photo of the headboard on the bed.
It's a tufted headboard in grey linen with nail
head accents on the wings. Lovely.
My hamstrings have been really sore all week from putting together our new bed on Monday night. When I got home from SC, I showered and went directly to the travel office on base to book our flights for Hawaii. What ended up happening was I sat in the chair for three hours before they told me the October travel dates weren't up yet.

I then went home and walked directly into our bedroom, dropped my purse by the bed, kicked off my shoes, climbed in and then slept for three hours. I should have known I was getting a bug.

After my nap I woke up refreshed! And remembered our bed had been delivered on Friday. I went to start putting it together and was shocked by how heavy everything was. I spent the next two hours lifting with my legs.

And for any wives out there who have put together heavy furniture while their husbands are away: you're awesome.

Today, I'll leave you with my favorite Alyssa quote from this morning:
"Smile! It burns more calories! Or...wait, are you gritting your teeth?"

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