Friday, August 2, 2013

New Friends + The 80s

My husband will tell you that I love making new friends. I like meeting new people. If I sell you something on Craig's List and we get along, I'll text you and say, "Let's hang out." If I meet you at a friend's bachelorette party, if you're sitting in front of me at a Nat's game, if your husband is friends with my get the idea.

Which is why it's no surprise I'm making friends at my spin classes! This morning it was Mandy. We bonded over how much of a bummer it is when someone takes your "usual" bike. Spin class is a lot like the family dinner table. Everyone has their unofficial assigned seat. You don't switch, you just don't. But then one night your parents have dinner guests...and you lose your seat. Today it was this older guy who isn't usually in class. Oh well, pay it forward mister.

Anywho, Mandy and I chatted over our mutual dislike for Nancy and our love for our usual bikes. And then, at the end of class, she brought me a wipe for my bike. It was sweet. I said "have a good day" in the parking lot after class. She asked my name. I asked hers. And we're gonna live happily ever after!

Super stoked about my new spin buddy!

Today was class with Alyssa, my favorite, and it was an 80s dance party. Since I'm working from home today, I was able to stay for the full class! Those last few songs were a beast. It's almost the weekend, and boy did she made us work for it.

And now, an early release workday and then Gunner and I are off to see the Wizard! Well, we're off to see Scott, but you get the idea. :)

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