Friday, August 2, 2013

Alien Frittata Scramble

I don't usually post food recipes, it's mostly the Instagram photos of what I'm eating. You can feel free to follow my feed, it's just photos of food and the dog. No really, just food and the dog. If you want photos of babies or interesting photo angles...look elsewhere. Food and dogs. Got it? Let's move on.

What were we talking about? Oh! I don't usually post recipes. But I'm going to do one today!

So a little background on this: I'm heading out for the weekend and there are leftovers in the fridge.

Last night, as part of dinner, I used fresh corn, tomatoes, red onion, lemon juice, and cumin to make a tex-mex salad. This morning, I wanted to use it up so I did what you do when you have veggies you need to use.

I made a fritatta.

Or, well, I tried to make one. It ended up being a scramble. A damn good one.

Alien Frittata Scramble

2 eggs
1/4 cup skim milk
1 cup leftover veggies
1 oz. reduced fat cheddar (shredded or sliced really thin)
Pam (the spray, not your co-worker)

Spray a small  pan with non-stick spray. Add veggies, and saute until warm, about 5 minutes. While veggies are cooking, crack two eggs in a bowl. Add milk. Whisk.

After the veggies are cooked, add the egg mixture.

If you can keep it as a frittata, then let the egg cook and don't stir. If you're like me and don't like brown eggs, stir it.

Once the eggs have cooked, add cheese and let it melt.

And boom! Egg scramble that looks like an alien landscape.

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