Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lucky Number Seven

Run: 7 miles
Time: Stopped my watch in awe after I hit 10K
Mood: Like a rockstar

I didn't do 8 miles, I did seven miles. Why, you ask? Because when I hit mile 3.5, it hit me back with the realization that I forgot my passkey to get back into the office. Where all of my belongings were - important things like keys and my wallet. So I turned my happy self around and hoofed it back to work. Luckily, I was able to catch a coworker coming out of the building who let me back in. Whew.

Highlights from yesterday's run:
  • I broke not only my 5K time, but also my 10K time. Hit 3 miles at 31 (shaved a minute off), and 6.2 at 1:04 (shaved 6 minutes off). No kidding, I was shocked at both of them. Stopped my watch at the 10K I was so stunned.
  • My favorite flavor of Gu is orange. And I've mastered the art of eating it while running without getting it all over myself. (*pat on back*).
  • I ran out of Montgomery County yesterday. There was a sign and everything.
  • Yes, I walked part of mile 7 but then integrated some sprints to make up for it. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
  • I am sore as hell today.
  • And finally, I did it all by myself! Ended up running alone, and killed it.
I don't know why I had such a great run. Maybe it was the hydration. Maybe it was the balance bar. Maybe it was the Gu. Maybe it was the fact that the 3.5 miles out were slightly down hill. Who knows? And better yet, who cares?!

Bring on the 10-miler!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"So, no blog action for awhile."

I know I haven't posted in awhile when people start bringing it up....

Run: 3 miles
Time: 33 flat
Mood: Eh

I ran last night with a coworker who hadn't run in awhile. She did the first mile with me, and we came in at 11:20. I did the second two miles alone and ended at 33, so I punched up the pace.

For those of you who don't know, I've got a 10-mile race this weekend. So far my distance has only been 6 miles, but I'm hoping to get an 8-miler under my belt tonight with the help of my guy. I will add that he will be running at my pace - but with a 40 pound "ruck." That's a backpack, folks. A weighted backpack. He has to weight himself down to "trot" at my pace. Oy.

Regardless, I'll have a lot more confidence to race 10 miles this weekend if I get 8 miles down tonight.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


We might be in trouble. And by "we," I mean "me." I might be in trouble.

I haven't posted in awhile, I know I know, I'm sorry. I've gotten in some pretty decent outdoor runs, the most fun was this weekend's three mile trail run with my roommate. It was a legitimate trail, jumping over streams, dodging rocks and roots. Unfortunately, I twisted my ankle in the first mile. It didn't hurt at the time, but it started to feel sore yesterday. Then it started to bruise last night. I can walk ok, but if I even remotely try to rotate my foot to the right, it's a searing pain.

And I need to run tonight.

Race is in less than two weeks, and I'm only up to 6 miles. It's a 10 mile race. The mathematics aren't really panning out on this one. I need to at least get 8 miles in one swoop. I want to try to do an easy run tonight, ease my ankle into it. Not sure if I need an ace bandage or anything.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh heck yes!

Run: 6+ miles
Time: 70~
Mood: Schweaty

Training note: treadmills cut off at 60 minutes.

You heard right. After an hour straight, the treadmill switches into "cool down" mode, leaving you jogging in place, cursing under your breath trying to reset it because you're almost done with your 6 mile run. But wait, you reset the machine before you checked to see how far you'd run (you hang your fleece over the display so you can't obsess over every fraction of a mile).

This means you run another mile...just to be safe.

Welp folks, this was my run tonight. Treadmill shut off, and I reset it before I remembered to see how far I'd run. I know for a fact I didn't go lower than a 12 minute pace - I varied my speeds between 5.2 and 4.8. Even if I did a 12 minute mile for five miles, that puts me at 5 miles exactly (I know I ran faster than that). Then I tacked on another mile for insurance.

The end result? A completely drenched Stephanie who most likely ran over six miles tonight.

Again, I hydrated today, stretched and also had a protein shake after my run as well as some chicken enchiladas in celebration of my last night of cheese-eating until Easter -- you're welcome Jesus.

I did four miles yesterday, got another run in over the weekend, a few runs last week after my last post. Tomorrow I'm planning on getting in my first outside run since it got too dark out -- probably mid-November.