Time: Stopped my watch in awe after I hit 10K
Mood: Like a rockstar
I didn't do 8 miles, I did seven miles. Why, you ask? Because when I hit mile 3.5, it hit me back with the realization that I forgot my passkey to get back into the office. Where all of my belongings were - important things like keys and my wallet. So I turned my happy self around and hoofed it back to work. Luckily, I was able to catch a coworker coming out of the building who let me back in. Whew.
Highlights from yesterday's run:
- I broke not only my 5K time, but also my 10K time. Hit 3 miles at 31 (shaved a minute off), and 6.2 at 1:04 (shaved 6 minutes off). No kidding, I was shocked at both of them. Stopped my watch at the 10K I was so stunned.
- My favorite flavor of Gu is orange. And I've mastered the art of eating it while running without getting it all over myself. (*pat on back*).
- I ran out of Montgomery County yesterday. There was a sign and everything.
- Yes, I walked part of mile 7 but then integrated some sprints to make up for it. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
- I am sore as hell today.
- And finally, I did it all by myself! Ended up running alone, and killed it.
Bring on the 10-miler!