Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Very Happy Holiday Indeed

Run: 2 miles + 25 mins on elliptical
Time: 50 minutes total?
Mood: Pink

My first run back from the holiday food fest. My family is Italian, so we ate for like four straight days, last night's homemade ravioli topped it all off. I didn't run the entire time I was home (that's four fatty days) - I intended to. But then it snowed. And was cold. And I hadn't hydrated. And then oops I'd had a glass of wine. Or a mimosa. Or I'd just eaten. I could go all day, the excuses were boundless.

I did get some sweet running gear for Christmas, that I rocked today at the gym. My brother and sister-in-law got me a pink Nike pullover (not my favorite color, but an amazing addition to my running wardrobe) and some really cool Nike socks. Needless to say, I wore both of them for my run this morning and was feeling very pink.

Had another up-at-five-a.m.-for-no-good-reason morning, so I headed to the gym. Set incline at 1% for the first mile, then had to stop at two because I was about dead. I hopped on the elliptical afterward, because a 22 minute workout wasn't going to cut it this morning.

This week is damage control in preparation for New Year's Eve.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New treadmills

Run: 3 miles
Time: No idea
Mood: Murderous

Killed three miles last night. Legitimately crushed them. They have a bunch of new treadmills at my gym, that show you your distance on a 400 meter track - which was actually insanely motivational. I was going to do another mile after the first three, but there were people waiting for the machines. There was a staff person coming around looking at people's time (you're supposed to stop at 25 minutes when ppl are waiting). So I punched out the last half at like an 8:15 pace, trying to be extra considerate.

The new treadmills don't have t.v. or music on them yet, so I was forced to people watch. My favorite person was an older guy wearing a polo shirt tucked into basketball shorts with black socks half way up his calves wearing some old-school Adidas. :) He was a jolly sort.

Also set my incline at one percent for the first mile.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Who knew?

I read this article from Active.com about treadmill running. Apparently running on a treadmill with no incline is like running on a trail/road that has a slight decline. It says to set the incline at 1 percent.

Which is exactly what I plan to do tonight.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Run: 2.5 miles
Time: I can't remember
Mood: Bah

Bad day, unsuccessful run. Poor hydration and low energy. I did manage to knock out the last half mile at a 10 to 8:15 pace, so that felt nice.

Then got home, and completely forgot to eat dinner. No stretching either.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snowy Tuesday

Run: 3 miles
Time: 32 something
Mood: Cold and sweaty

It was one of those mornings where I was up at 5 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. So off to the gym I went. Walked outside to a good inch of snow on the Beetle, wanted to turn around and get back in bed. Still went to the gym.

The upside of a snowy morning? Hardly anyone was there so I got my pick of treadmills. Again, crushed the last half mile. This time while watching Full House.

Day 2 back on the wagon is a success.

And onnnnne small note to the fellas I passed on the way out of the gym: your mother taught you better.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Just a Little Crush

Run: 3 miles
Time: 33.16
Mood: Ah-mazing

Absolutely crushed the last half mile of my run today. Crushed. To the point where I felt bad for the people on the treadmills next to me, b/c I was straight up panting. It felt amazing (considering that I wanted to stop around mile 2).

Day 1 of no-joking-around training = success.

In case you missed it...crushed.

It's go time.

No, I don't have any runs to report. Quit judging.

What I DO have to report is that I made it into the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler pool. I signed up for the lottery not really thinking I'd get in, but I did. Race isn't until April 3, so I have plenty of time to work my runs up to about 9 or 9.5 by then.

All I know is the slacking from the past two weeks or so is done for now. I tend to train better when I have a race in my immediate future.

Today's run: a least 3 miles.

P.S. Thank you everyone for an ah-mazing birthday weekend. Probably a little too much birthday.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Went to the gym last night to do a 4-miler. The cardio floor is closed until Sunday so they can put in a new floor. Went home instead.

Happy birthday to me.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Miles: 3
Time: 33-ish
Mood: Eh

Three miles yesterday. On the treadmill. Followed by 15 minutes hiking an incline. Working the glutes. Booyah.

Just finished some cross training (squats, lunges and about three and a half push ups) in the kitchen, much to the chagrin of my roommate who was baking.

Love you Allie.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Turkey Trotting

Miles: Various
Time: Various
Mood: Various

As my ever-loving roommate reminded me today, I haven't posted in over a week. (Sincerest apologies, Jen dear.)

I ran a few times last week, nothing notable to report. Distances of three miles or less. One day was only a mile because I tried to run with Bandit around my parent's neighborhood and he was a pill and a half, so we had to go home early.

Someone is tired after his mini-run.

Another day was a mile and a half because someone let me drink an entire bottle of champage by myself the night before - when she was supposed to be helping me (thank you, Triny).

Managed to eat and drink like a complete jackass over the break. And I'm not sorry.

I did get in a three-miler on Monday morning, and have taken the last two days off due to an upcoming school presentation that's becoming a total time-suck. Buuuuut I brought my running stuff to work so I can go straight to the gym after. The plan? 4.5 miles.

Here's hoping I'm able to shower once I'm done. Did I mention we can't use the water at home?

P.S. Tomorrow I can buy food again. And by food I mean lettuce.