Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Run!

It's spring! You wouldn't know it with the snow on the ground. Personally, I think Mother Nature got into the cooking sherry and is now too intoxicated to drive. But what do I know.

The combination of moderately warmer weather and the fact that it's staying light out longer resulted in my first trail run of the spring! It was a mile and a half and I couldn't be more proud. Did a sub-12 pace and now my legs are sore today. Not P90X sore, but comfortably sore.

Anywho, I hope to get another run in today. I missed my trail. It's so much easier to run outside than on a treadmill, I think.

Oh and for those of you wondering how the 17-day diet is going? It's not. I lost almost 8 pounds and started to freak out about dropping a ton of weight and having my dress fitted, only to gain it back and have a dress that doesn't zip. Seriously, this is the stuff of my nightmares. The good news is I'm now addicted to green tea...and I'm consistently hydrating. Win-win there.

Also it's like...50 days to the wedding. It's all happening!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cranky Thursday

This is one of the days of food this week.
Protein, fruits, veggies and two yogurts.
Oh, and some fat free feta.

It's day 4 of the new eating plan, and I'm down 6 pounds. It's not super-exciting because this is the usual flux for me. Once we get into the 10s, I'll be pretty pumped.

This eating plan...well it sucks. It sucks in the sense that I'm used to being able to have chocolate and bread - two things that are a no-no. So instead of having crackers, I eat cucumber slices. Instead of chocolate covered apple. Or raspberries. Or peaches.

It's actually not so bad resetting my body's cravings. The first day I was like an infant having a tantrum. I just wanted a carb. A single carb. I even texted Scott and told him to order a pizza. But he made me stay strong.

So strong, in fact, that he made his own pizza for dinner this week and I made a salad and didn't even touch his pizza. Mmmmm, chicken salad with a steaming hot side of commitment. Eat it up!

Because I don't just want to drop a ton of water weight, I think I'm going to allow myself some leeway on the weekends. In Cycle 4, you're allowed like three or four cheat meals over the weekends. I think I'm going to allow myself one or two half cheat meals in Cycle 1.

I'm terrified of losing weight, having my dress fitted, and then somehow gaining it back and not being able to fit into the wedding dress.

This is a real fear. Just go with it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

17 Day Diet

Good morning! Happy Monday!

Don't get freaked out by the title. I'm not going on some insane diet, I'm more jump-starting a healthy lifestyle.

So. The 17 Day Diet. It's an eating plan with four different cycles. It's designed for instant, jump-start weight loss, followed by healthy eating maintenance. My brother and sister in law are in the middle of cycle 1 right now, and have each lost 5 pounds in the first week.

Cycle 1 is basically unlimited protein and veggies, two servings of low-sugar fruits, two servings of probiotics, and two servings of healthy fats (i.e. olive oil). You drink 64 ounces of water, and about three glasses of green tea. Every day for the first 17 days. It comes to about 1,200 calories.

Today, I've packed an egg-white scramble, raspberries, an apple, a salad, yogurt-based chicken salad, and sliced veggies. I've got my green tea, and am mainlining H2O.

The tricky part about this, is it's cutting calories to the point where I can't really stick with the P90X. I can do the cardio ones, but weightlifting will be a problem.

But the GOOD news is that thanks to daylight savings time, I'll be able to do my first evening trail run of the season! I'm excited.

Tonight, we're having a yogurt-Parmesan chicken with roasted veggies.

And in case you're wondering, no. Scott isn't doing the eating plan with me. He was on board until I told him he couldn't have his morning pineapple. That was a deal-breaker.