Thursday, July 19, 2012

Herrow Humidity

Question: What does an 8 p.m. bedtime get you?

Answer: A hell of an early start.

That's right folks, I went to bed at 8 last night. And it was fantastic. I even managed to get up with Scott this morning.

I was planning on jogging across the street to the gym, but Gunner popped right out of bed with the "Where are we going?" look on his face, so I decided to take him on a run with me instead. We went on a sweaty, humidity-filled, why-am-I-wearing-long-pants run. And he actually did OK. There were a couple of times where he was training to gallop ahead, but for the most part he stuck by my side. No leash biting or pulling. A nice change.

We ran out a mile, and walked the long way home.

Gunner went right back to bed and Mommy went to work. Seems a little unfair, no?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rainy Afternoon Run

Time: 11:45
Distance: 1. Long. Mile.
Mood: Bad at first, good at last.

I did say I'd never lie to you, and reporting an almost 12-minute mile pace proves it.

Raspberries and chocolate chips. After-run snack!

This week I need to get in two 1-mile runs and one 1.5 mile run. My friend Stephanie and I were going to run on the trail outside of the office, but decided to drive back to her house and run there. When we got to her place, a nice rain had started to fall. We didn't hear any thunder, so we decided to run the mile in the rain - and it was so nice!

Run started out bad, but ended feeling pretty OK.

1 1 1.5

Thursday, July 5, 2012

New Training Plan!

I've been doing some regular running (a mile here, a mile there), but haven't done anything remarkable enough to post.

Buuuut yesterday I did put together my new training plan for the 10K we're running at the end of September.

Here it is! Let's go legs!