Saturday, February 8, 2014

Halfway + Gender Update

Tomorrow we will be 20 weeks into this whole shebang!

I feel like the face on the right is my, "This might as well
be happening" face.
As many of you know, we found out we're having a little girl! We're both really excited. It was a big shock, because we swore we were having a little boy. I had an early sonogram and I sweeear I saw tiny baby junk. But we were mistaken! And now, we plan for a tiny lady instead of a tiny gentleman.

We also found out that we were actually two weeks behind our expected due date, so everything got pushed back.

Most of my nausea has subsided, now the symptoms deal more with the increased size. I'm mostly wondering where in the HELL we're going to put the rest of her. I have definitely provided baby girl's sanctuary with a few inches of extra padding in the form of ice cream and anything containing a carb. An Otterbox of baby protection. So we shall see how everything pans out.

I can definitely say that I've "popped." There's no question as to whether or not I'm pregnant. My belly is pretty "out there."

Also...I can't stop talking about it. I keep trying to NOT to post on social media about it everyday. It's super hard.

Like now, I have nothing else to talk about.