Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oy vey.

I did P90X's Core Synergistics for the first time in over a year today, and I think I did relatively well! I've been working on more lunges and squats in general so I blazed through those parts - it's the upper-body workouts that kill me. Pushups, etc. Oy.

I got in a few runs this week, some elliptical. All in all, not too shabby. I've had to start entering 28 as my age on the treadmill. It's depressing.

Tonight, the ballet and a schmancy dinner to celebrate my fourth 25th birthday. :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Remember me?

Ok, ok, ok. So it's been a month since I've posted. I honestly had no idea it had been that long.

But that doesn't mean I haven't been staying active! I've been running a mile a few times a week, and recently started adding in a cross-fit-esque workout as well. At first, I was super sore from doing lunges and squats again, but not anymore. My legs are getting stronger!

I also recently discovered that there's wireless Internet in the gym, so I've been jamming out to SVU on the iPad. Which makes it SO much easier to lose track of time.

Gunner and I ran a mile this morning and he was surprisingly well-behaved. He did the turn-and-bite-the-leash thing about halfway through, but I was able to distract him long enough to keep him running.

And for lunch...the "Elaine from Seinfeld" big salad.

3 cups lettuce
1/2 tomato
1/4 red pepper
1/2 t. pecans
1/2 t. craisins
1 T. french fried onions (It's not enough to do damage, but it's enough to taste fantastic.)
3 oz. turkey
1 T. light italian dressing.
Cracked pepper (yes, I keep a pepper grinder at my desk.)

Last month was so insane I couldn't keep it straight, but I promise to try to be better this month. Exams are over. Holidays are here.
